Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hitlers Achievement of Power in Germany Essay - 501 Words

Hitlers Achievement of Power in Germany After World War 1, Germany were left in a terrible state. They had huge debts that they needed to pay off to France and Belgium for reparations, and at the Treaty of Versailles it had been decided that Germany should take full responsibility and except all blame for the war. This affected the morale of the German people greatly. They felt ashamed as a nation and they were angry and bitter, ready to get revenge on Britain and France and show the world that united they were a great nation. In order to pay their debts, the government started to print out mass amounts of money that they didn’t have. As a result of this, the German economy crashed, the†¦show more content†¦Since the conditions in Germany were so poor at the time, Hitler didn’t have a great deal of trouble convincing the citizens of Germany to listen to his ideas. They were ready for any alternative to the life they were living at that time. Another reason that Hitler achieved power in Germany was the fact that he appealed to all classes. He offered the lower classes jobs to stop unemployment (these jobs were taken form the Jews), he promised to stamp out all communism which appealed to the upper classes who were rich and wanted to stay that way. He rewarded married women who had large families financially and provided workers in Germany with cheap holidays so that he could control every part of people’s lives, even their leisure time. Hitler’s principal obstacle was communism, and the communist popularity was rising. In order to dispose of some of his communist enemies, he organized the Reichstag Fire. On 27 February 1933, the Reichstag was burnt down and Marinus Van der Lubbe, a well known arsonist and member of the communist party, was seen leaving the building. After being tortured by the Gestapo, he confessed to the crime but claimed that he wasn’t part of any communist conspiracy. 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