Thursday, September 3, 2020

Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 21

Brain science - Essay Example The capability of machines were believed to have the option to in the end envelop â€Å"an inductive and imaginative psyche, equipped for stepping up to the plate, to which individuals could trust every one of their issues and acquire moment arrangements in return† (Ifrah, 1997: 1679). This misguided judgment in the beginning of the PC has continued even to today. This conversation analyzes the elements of the human cerebrum notwithstanding the importance of information and the impediments of machines when contrasted with the human psyche. Mechanical PCs, dissimilar to the elements of the PC like mind don't have the ability to decide directly from wrong nor would they be able to cause decisions, to have no emotions and can't think all alone. PCs can't reason, envision, develop, make, express contemplations, oversee thoughts, make decisions or have the capacity to adjust to contrasting circumstances and in this manner can't take care of issues that are different to them. In contrast to the human mind, PCs aren’t aware of their own being, have no understanding of their general surroundings and can't execute deliberate exercises (Ifrah, 1997: 1616). Since machines are just ready to follow orders, they don't have the ability to act naturally mindful. On the off chance that it is acknowledged that PCs don't and will never get mindful of their own being, at that point it is sensible to ask what empowers the human’s natural machine to accomplish awareness while the silicon-based electronic ‘brain’ c an't. Conceivably, the response to this inquiry is the way that the structure of the human mind is self-arranging. It reacts to the individual qualities and the autonomous idea of collaborations among itself and the specific condition. Anyway other common, natural frameworks, for example, numerous sorts of basic ‘animals’ and all vegetation incorporate a multifaceted, self-arranging interrelationship inside its inward component yet are likewise not mindful of themselves. This demonstrates however

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Political Theory of Niccolo Machiavelli free essay sample

Takes a gander at the philosophies of Niccolo Machiavelli concerning political hypothesis and the employments of tyrannies. This paper analyzes the political hypothesis of Niccolo Machiavelli. The writer manages his hypothesis and works on the utilization of despots during war times and the residents rights. Niccolo Machiavellis philosophy toward famous government can be viewed as him being against an equitable type of government. He says that autocracy works best since normal individuals don't be able to administer themselves. An autocracy is essential on the grounds that thee Prince can ingrain dread in the individuals the danger of discipline exists which makes it simpler to oversee. Fascism permits the Prince to choose what is to the greatest advantage of its residents. Men love at their own through and through freedom, however dread at the desire of the Prince. An astute Prince must depend on what is in his capacity and not on what is in the intensity of others. We will compose a custom article test on The Political Theory of Niccolo Machiavelli or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page (Mc Donald, 1986)

Friday, August 21, 2020

Profession and Cultural Language

Calling and Cultural Language Official rundown Psychology is one among numerous callings that is viewed as satisfying. The analysts are worried about the conduct of individuals. They are mostly keen on tackling issues that are enthusiastic and mental.Advertising We will compose a custom report test on Profession and Cultural Language explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Their point is to assist patients with recouping and live typical lives. Like in different callings brain research has its own way of life and language. Culture and language are uncovered in their day by day practice as they tackle various issues. Culture is apparent in the preparation, collaboration, research, work and experience, morals, correspondence and utilization of web, working condition. Language is intelligent, with visit utilization of mental ideas and dependent on look into. To turn into an analyst one trains as an undergrad for a long time. They later work under the oversight of a certified and enrolled analyst. Prep aring empowers students to procure the language utilized in the workplace. Experience is increased after some time and the individual is viewed as important and proficient. Clinicians figure out how to manage various people from assorted foundation and help them similarly. Cooperation yields incredible outcomes as the errands to be secured are satisfactorily and productively done. Viable relational abilities affect the nature of work. Composed and verbal correspondence is every now and again utilized. The messages are additionally utilized convey both inside and outside the establishment. Clinician can either act naturally utilized or be utilized in various associations. They can work in the zone of advancement of research or be engaged with patients. Patients have conduct issues like medication misuse, psychological maladjustment among other passionate issues. They give help while watching moral rules gave by the mental administrative boards.Advertising Looking for report on writin g dialects? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Psychology participates in research to create information and to discover answers for rising issues. Ideas that are utilized in the calling are as consequence of the ideas. The discoveries of research are undeniable and perceived by specialists. Research impact approach making and can be compelling in forestalling bothersome conduct. Presentation There are numerous callings that one could join. Before joining understudies assess what their advantage is and pick a calling from a not insignificant rundown. Among numerous callings, brain science is a broadly known calling that has been polished over numerous years. Numerous who join the calling are keen on helping individuals who have enthusiastic and others with psychological maladjustments. Brain science is a very much evolved calling. It has entrenched and created speculations as examined in the Occupational viewpoint handbook (2011, p. 1). The individuals who train in brain research can be utilized in organizations and can act naturally utilized. Additionally the field has the test of managing social issues that have risen in the contemporary world. In the same way as other different callings, brain science has its own way of life and language. This report will distinguish and talk about the way of life and language inside brain science. The way of life and language of brain research Psychologists however unique in regions of claim to fame have shared characteristic in their practices and language. They watch guidelines and morals of the calling. They center around conduct to help tolerant defeat challenges and have solid existences (, 2010, p. 2). The America Psychology Association (2011, p. 1) demonstrates that examination is at the center of the calling as hypotheses are created through research. Ideas are additionally evolved and utilized as expert language to allude to explicit thoughts. The l anguage utilized is comprehended among them and is a piece of their every day work. Culture inside the field of brain research Training marks the start of an expert excursion in brain research. All therapists are prepared to be equipped experts in licensed establishments. They spread units pertinent to the field as the coaches tutor them. They take part in singular work, bunch work and work as assistants in mental institutions.Advertising We will compose a custom report test on Profession and Cultural Language explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More They likewise take part in investigate in the pertinent field. The preparation sets them up to be educated, productive, successful, group laborers and to depend on unquestionable information. The individuals who experience preparing can decide to have some expertise in various territories. they can become sports therapists, social analysts, school clinicians, designing clinicians, clinical analysts, subjective and perceptu al analysts, guiding therapists, instructive therapists, formative clinicians, transformative clinicians, exploratory clinicians, measurable analysts, wellbeing therapists, modern clinicians, recovery therapists, investigate analysts and neuropsychologist (America Psychology Association 2011, p. 2). In the wake of preparing for multi year preparing in an undergrad program, the therapist works under the oversight of qualified and rehearsing analyst for a long time. From that point they can be enlisted with the expert bodies (, 2010, p. 4). Collaboration A typical perception in today’s associations is the selection of cooperation in the workplace. Collaboration urges the clinician to supplement each other just as spur one another while working. They contribute thoughts and offer thoughts inside the groups. A group head who is an individual from the group is responsible for the group. Analysts share thoughts in their group and better choices are made. In any case, ch oices set aside an extremely long effort to be closed and contradictions inside the group can influence the proficiency of work contrarily. Cooperation makes a serious situation. The individuals who neglect to meet the objectives required and experience issues adapting are probably going to be calmed from their work. Research Knowledge on utilized in the investigation of brain science is acquired from examine discoveries. The analysts examine on an overarching issue among patient to discover clarifications of the causes and furthermore discover arrangements. What is more research should be possible to create knowledge.Advertising Searching for report on writing dialects? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Other than creating data, look into encourages the clinician to settle on educated choices. Data acquired from look into is trusted by the specialists and can impact change in strategy. Research is likewise a powerful instrument in forecast. Arrangements can be received to keep unfortunate circumstances later on from occurring. Research recognizes the progressions that have happened and helps the expert arrangement with explicit circumstances precisely. The data got explains questions and separate realities from legends. They get data from writing audit, perceptions and examinations. Mental foundations are various in their targets and objectives. The examination is done inside the authoritative goal. The discoveries are introduced educate regarding report. The report gives subtleties on the examination done, the discoveries and the suggestions. Usage of the proposals requires may have money related impact among different results. As per the America Psychology Association (2011, p. 1) examine is indispensable in discovering answers for developing issues. People continue changing conduct which prompts new issues. Research produces information that is utilized to prepare new experts. In addition the information comprehends various societies of the world. Work and Experience Lannon (2010) contends that the most experienced analysts are significant to their foundations. They are viewed as a store of information. The patients favor those with experience as well. Picking up experience implies that one must practice and simultaneously observe the new advancements in the field. Clinicians work connected at the hip with different experts. They work with strategy creators, the clinical specialists, school instructors and courts just as interface with a wide scope of experts. They help individuals handle mental difficulties and passionate encounters so they can include sound connections inside their condition. Their recommendation is exceptionally respected in a fiasco the board where individuals are damaged. There are numerous open doors for the individuals who train as analysts as called attention to by the America Psychology Association (2011, p., 1). Clinician can give directing in a firm, be associated with inquire about, become teachers in instruction foundation and may likewise turn into an expert for the two people and society. Issues that therapist treat are social and continually expanding. Some incorporate pre-adult resistance, illicit drug use, stress identified with work and family life, fiascos related injury and different illnesses that are passionate or mental in nature. The field of brain science is one of the most satisfying callings that keep going as long as the therapist is solid and fit for working. Morals The morals inside the brain research discipline must be followed. As per Lannon (2010) moral issues require understanding between individuals from a calling with the end goal that there are all around laid guidelines and gauge s that must be followed. Morals in brain research is expecting clinician to be act in the satisfactory way when dealing with the patients. Like in other expert bodies, brain science has its own morals that are specified by the mental administrative sheets, the state and different associations w

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Having a down syndrome baby - Free Essay Example

Genetic qualities can impact the shade of an infants eyes and hair, yet it can also affect the development of certain birth defect and genetic issues. Genetic screening is offered to every single pregnant lady, and its normally talked about amid the main pre-birth visit. This is important for people with disabilities in contemporary society because they can know ahead of time if their baby will come out with any kind of birth defect or if their baby will be normal. Much the same as knowing whether an infant will be a young lady or a young man, the advantage of knowing whether a baby will be conceived with Down Syndrome can enable the family to make arrangements ahead of time should they choose to proceed with the pregnancy or terminate the pregnancy or look for other options. Also, it is good to get prenatal testing so that you could know if the baby will have brain defect or spinal cord defect and you could prepare yourself for the coming of your baby if you are pro-life. Diagnostic tests can actually detect many genetic conditions caused by defects in a gene or chromosome, Carl Nierenber, Live Science Contributor, March 2018.) We have so many new Medical Technologies now that women that want to get pregnant or who are pregnant could know just about anything they want to know about their unborn child. So, this medical technology is great. There also could be a downfall for these Prenatal Care test. The downfall is that the parents might get some bad news about the results of the test and now the parents of this unborn child will have to make some serious decisions really quick. The benefits of prenatal testing will disclose to you that your infant is very likely growing healthy and that means you can be at ease. If you go to prenatal care early on it will detect any defect that you can start treating early on even before you give birth. In chapter 2 they talk about Developmental Theory in the Context of Disability, birth to three years of age. When you give the services that these babies will need if they are born with any defect or disability it makes it easier to manage. These babies that come out with any defect can get the extra care and services early on. In infancy, there may be increased contact with parents and other nurturers because of the increased needs (Affleck et al.,1985). Individuals with a disability have their own culture. Does prenatal testing promote disability culture? Yes it does promote a disability culture. How? By knowing before- hand if your baby will have birth defect like Down syndrome. You knowing upfront lets you get educated enough about services that your baby will need. You have the right to keep any baby that will come out with defects but you will know off hand so you can enhance the newborns life. Ableism is discrimination of a person that carries any type of disability. How does prenatal testing relate to the concept of ableism? I think it goes to say that if and when a woman receives prenatal testing and they find something wrong with the fetus, the woman has a right to keep her baby and line up all kinds of servic es that she and the baby are going to need to get by in their life. No one should discriminate any woman who wants to give birth to a baby that is going to have Down syndrome or any other disability. Everyone has the right to live with or without a disability and the woman in which knows that she will be giving birth to a defected baby, can have the right to say, I am pro-life. Fetuses with disabilities are at greatly increased risk of being considered expendable and aborted.( Mackelprang and Salsgiver, 2009). Every woman has the right to keep her baby even if it comes out with a disability. Models of Disability. Social Model is a way of seeing the world by a culture of disabled people. Prenatal Testing have in common with social model is, the freedom to be pro-life, to be able to have a right to conceive a child to be born even with a disability as down syndrome. I would have to say that if I was pregnant and during this pregnancy I find out that my baby will come out with down syndrome I would keep my baby and get ready to get educated in this culture. The Individuals with Disability Education Act-IDEA would be the one to benefit the kids that have down syndrome because they would require a special kind of education, school. These plans delineate the current level of education these kids will need. This policy ensures a person with down syndrome to benefit from education all the way till the person is 21 years old, financially as well. In the case of, for having a baby with down syndrome , in my opinion I would have had my baby also. Just because you found out that your baby had a defect does not mean that you have to abort it. You have time to prepare for the birth of your baby. I am a strong believer that your kids are your kids. They wind up teaching you things in your life than what you teach them. To have a child that is down syndrome is going to teach the parents how to love beyond. Teach the parents how to be patient. Reading the article made me feel happy that she kept her baby. Happy that she will teach the society that we live today that they could be taught, and live a great life. They can also contribute to the community just like a non-disabled person. I also believe in Prenantal Testing because it will allow you to know the what ifs, and push forward with the results. I have a sister, (I am adopted and so was she), we were separated at birth but she was raised by a woman who is the mother of 12 down syndrome kids. They are all functional but one, but they would warm the hearts of anyone that walks into their home. My sisters adoptive mother took all of them in at birth, so she has had them coming out the hospital. I will tell you this, they brin g joy into their lives of my sister and her adoptive mother. They cook, clean, play ball, like to swim and go shopping.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Aint-half-bad Tea Cake in Their Eyes Were Watching God

The Aint-half-bad Tea Cake in Their Eyes Were Watching God Hurston did not design her novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God with the intent of creating a protagonist figure in Tea Cake Woods. Hurston’s characters just naturally fit into the roles and personalities that African American women have been socialized to expect and accept from black men. The good over the bad; turn the other cheek; dont let it get you down. Forever taught that the road aint gonna be easy and that a aint-half-bad man is better than no man, African American women have been instilled with the belief that abuse, bitterness, and sadness can be ignored if there is something else to focus that energy on. In Janies case, we are moved to accept Tea Cake,†¦show more content†¦There is still a chance with Killicks that somewhere on his land we will find our peach blossoms. Once again, Nannys guiding voice informs, Dats de very prong all us black women gits hung on. Dis love! Dats just whuts got us uh pullin and uh haulin and sweatin and doin from cant see in d e mornin till cant see at night. (22) Somewhere within the reader, one factor subconsciously prepares the stage for Tea Cakes entrance: there is a dream deferred; a fantasy of a man who will touch us on the inside and warm us on the outside. The personal goal is superseded by the social goal which Nanny attempts to impress upon Janie, yet, the personal goal is still within--pulsating, waiting to be born. It is this pulsating, prenatal dream which prevents the readers acceptance of Killicks. Despite the fact that he seems to embody all which that voice has told us we need, the reader cannot embrace him as the end of Janies romantic journey. In our world, where our dreams are the norm, Killicks is set up as the other who will not garner our love and merely serves to distract Janie from her rightful path. With this adolescent frame of mind, the reader enters Janies relationship with Killicks fully aware of his temporary status, eager to dismiss him as a necessary mountain over which Janie must climb in order to reach theShow MoreRelatedTheir Eyes Were Watching God- Janies Self Realization2063 Words   |  9 PagesTheir Eyes were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, was a unique individual; as a half-white, half-black girl growing up in Florida in the early 1930s, a lifetime of trials and search for understanding was set for her from the start. As the main character she sought to finall y find herself, true love, and have a meaningful life. Growing up, in itself, provides a perfect opportunity for finding that essential state of self-realization and ideal comfort. Michael G. Cooke reviews Their Eyes Were WatchingRead MoreHurston Both Pack Quite A Punch. Each Of The Stories Have2054 Words   |  9 Pagesprotagonist Bigger Thomas are not even revealed for their worth. What Wright is trying to do, rather, is not only critiquing obviously racist whites, but also whites that are seemingly more liberal and supporting of Blacks. Meanwhile, Their Eyes Were Watching God is a book that largely focuses on the personal life of the protagonist Janie and how she grows into a strong, expressive woman. However, contrary to popular belief, the book also does focus on how white supremacy negatively affects BlacksRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesSelf-Assessment Library H ow Creative Am I? 190 Point/Counterpoint Checklists Lead to Better Decisions 191 CONTENTS xi Questions for Review 192 Experiential Exercise Biases in Decision Making 193 Ethical Dilemma Do Unethical Decisions Come from Bad Character? 193 Case Incident 1 Computerized Decision Making 194 Case Incident 2 Predictions That Didn’t Quite Pan Out 195 7 Motivation Concepts 201 Defining Motivation 202 Early Theories of Motivation 203 Hierarchy of Needs Theory 203 †¢

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hitlers Achievement of Power in Germany Essay - 501 Words

Hitlers Achievement of Power in Germany After World War 1, Germany were left in a terrible state. They had huge debts that they needed to pay off to France and Belgium for reparations, and at the Treaty of Versailles it had been decided that Germany should take full responsibility and except all blame for the war. This affected the morale of the German people greatly. They felt ashamed as a nation and they were angry and bitter, ready to get revenge on Britain and France and show the world that united they were a great nation. In order to pay their debts, the government started to print out mass amounts of money that they didn’t have. As a result of this, the German economy crashed, the†¦show more content†¦Since the conditions in Germany were so poor at the time, Hitler didn’t have a great deal of trouble convincing the citizens of Germany to listen to his ideas. They were ready for any alternative to the life they were living at that time. Another reason that Hitler achieved power in Germany was the fact that he appealed to all classes. He offered the lower classes jobs to stop unemployment (these jobs were taken form the Jews), he promised to stamp out all communism which appealed to the upper classes who were rich and wanted to stay that way. He rewarded married women who had large families financially and provided workers in Germany with cheap holidays so that he could control every part of people’s lives, even their leisure time. Hitler’s principal obstacle was communism, and the communist popularity was rising. In order to dispose of some of his communist enemies, he organized the Reichstag Fire. On 27 February 1933, the Reichstag was burnt down and Marinus Van der Lubbe, a well known arsonist and member of the communist party, was seen leaving the building. After being tortured by the Gestapo, he confessed to the crime but claimed that he wasn’t part of any communist conspiracy. Hermann Goerring didn’t believe him and arrested several leaders of the communistShow MoreRelatedHow Hitler Started World War II627 Words   |  3 PagesAlthough Hitler’s motives were more clear towards the end of World War II, Adolf did tackle the unemployment and stimulate Germany’s failing economy. Once Hitler became Chancellor of Germany on January 30th, 1933 The economic policy for Hitler’s regime involved large scale borrowing for public expenditures which created railroads, canals , and the Autobahnen or the German highway network. The result of Hitler’s economic policy was more effective against unemployment than any other country. By lateRead MoreThe Key Role Of The 1936 Summer Olympic Games1635 Words   |  7 PagesGames In May of 1931, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) selected Berlin, Germany as the site for the 1936 Summer Olympic Games, however, they did not know that in just two short years one of the most notorious, ruthless and supressive regimes, and it’s leader, ever known to man would be elected to lead Germany. The National Socialist German Workers’ (Nazi) Party was founded on February 24, 1920, in Munich, Germany. After suffering from a terrible humiliation and loss at the conclusion of WorldRead MoreNazi Germany During World War I924 Words   |  4 Pagesrise to power in Germany. Hitler selected Dr. Joseph Goebbels as the head of the Reich Ministry to promote propaganda. â€Å"The Fà ¼hrer or Mr. Hitler explained in his book Mein Kampf why propaganda should be used to control the populace and how it had been a useful weapon for the allies during World War I. Hitler continued by criticizing the German leadership for failing to use propaganda in any meaningful way during the war, and described how the new regime could use it to its fullest power.† (Stout)Read MoreThe Horrible Acts of Adolf Hitler1052 Words   |  4 Pagesin history of the world. The scar of horrible acts from Hitler and Germany forever remained on those who experienced the haunting war. The entire world was astonished to see what Germany was capable of doing under Hitler’s command. The Aryan, Lebensraum, a-thousand-year Reich were ideas that drove Hitler into the vicious leader of Germany. Many did not fully grasp the success of Hitler’s achievements despite the difficulties Germany had to face after World War I. In order to truly understand the famousRead MoreThe Nazi Party Used During World War II Essay1673 Words   |  7 PagesIn Germany, on January 1st, 2016, the copyright on one of the most anti-Semitic texts of the 20th century ran out after 70 years of halted publication (Thorpe 2015). The text in question, Mein Kampf (My Struggle), is an autobio graphy by the National Socialist leader Adolf Hitler, and a bible of Nazism in Germany’s Third Reich. Mein Kampf was the political manifesto the Nazi Party used during World War Two which not only identified the Jews as racially inferior but indirectly justified the mass exterminationRead MoreHilters Foreign Policy Essay1226 Words   |  5 PagesHilters Foreign Policy A dynamic foreign policy played a fundamental role in Hitlers rule, his decisions often revolving around his foreign policy aims. Hitlers aims were ambitions, the globalist school of thought most notably Rausching believe his ultimate aim was simply the maximum of power and domination; namely ultimate power. Hitler in the future planning to gain Germen supremacy in the Middle East, Africa and finally in the USA after conquering Europe. Such notions however; as NoakesRead More Hitler - A Method to His Madness Essay981 Words   |  4 PagesHitler - A Method to His Madness The Holocaust found its origins in Hitlers deep rooted hatred of the Jewish Society. This quote from Hitlers diary is an example of his feelings toward Jews... The Jew has never founded any civilization, though he has destroyed hundreds. He must spread as a disease spreads. Already he has destroyed Russia; now it is the turn of Germany and, with his envious instinct for destruction he seeks to disintegrate the national spirit of the Germans and to polluteRead MoreThe Greatest Leader Of Adolf Hitler1250 Words   |  5 Pagestheir accomplishments were very significant. There is one man who is the face of cruelty and inhumanity, his name is Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler is known as one of the most evil leaders in world history but was also the most successful leader. The achievements accomplished by Hitler makes him the most successful leader in all of world history. Before he became the man everyone knows of, he was full of failures and a very troublesome childhood. In the small Austrian town of Braunau, a boy named AdolfRead MoreAdolf Hitler : A Man Who Changed The World1027 Words   |  5 Pagesdied when he was 18. Hitler applied twice to enter the Academy of Art in Vienna, but was rejected both times. From 1909-1913, Adolf lived in Vienna. There is controversy as to whether he was out of money while he lived there or not. He then moved to Germany in 1913, and was still there when World War I had broken out in August of 1914. Adolf enlisted in the German army and saw four years of front-line service during which he was wounded several times and decorated for bravery twice and even then heRead MoreHumn 3031747 Words   |  7 Pagesthey might justify as the lesser of two evils. In this case, Evil is identified and there is nothing lesser about it. In the early 1900’s what they found changed and also ended the lives of millions. World War II and the hardship it brought upon Germany was just the tool that one man in particular took advantage of for his own personal gain and ideology. Born in Australia in 1889, Aldoph Hitler came to be one of the most famed and later despised person’s in human history. Many have written about

The Other Box free essay sample

â€Å"Oh, so you’re what they would consider a Milano right?† This statement usually comes from an ignorant person who confuses the word â€Å"Mulatto† with a popular Pepperidge Farm cookie. Hey, I’d rather be called a cookie than to be called a â€Å"half-breed† or a â€Å"Mutt†. Things like this are no big deal to me though, I love being biracial and I’m not ashamed of it. I come from a white mother of Portuguese and Italian decent and an African American Father. I’m black and white, simple. I get the typical â€Å"You don’t look black.†, and the â€Å"I can’t believe your mom is white!† People act like I’m a rare and unusual scientific experiment. I don’t understand though, I feel like the amount of mixed families has increased tremendously over the years. I feel like I meet other multi-racial people all the time, so what’s the big deal? I’ve learned to embrace it, no matter what people think about my mixed background. We will write a custom essay sample on The Other Box or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I no longer care about fitting into a racial group, because in reality, I never will. Half of the time I’m not â€Å"black enough† and the other half I’m not â€Å"white enough† When people go by my looks alone I usually pass for Hispanic or sometimes Middle Eastern. Strangers speak Spanish to me all of the time; once my broken â€Å"Spanglish† begins they usually catch on though. I used to feel the need to pick a side and identify myself as only Black; I would check the African American box when I filled out surveys and questionnaires. As I got older I started to ask myself â€Å"why?† I wasn’t ashamed of my mother at all so why should I hide a part of me just to fit in somewhere in society? I love my thick curly hair just as much as I love my olive complexion skin. I love my â€Å"White† mother just as much as I love my â€Å"Black† father. These things make me who I am, and quite frankly, I love who I am. I refuse to downplay any part of me just to fit in somewhere. Now that I’m older and much more mature, I check the â€Å"Other† box on surveys, and I embrace every part of me.